How to enable Klaviyo integration
To enable, navigate to Integrations and click Install on the Klaviyo integration
You'll be redirected to Klaviyo. Accept all permissions by clicking "Allow"
Klaviyo is now connected and installed.
Metrics and events passed into Klaviyo
The following gift card events/metrics will be synced to the Klaviyo customer profile of the gift card recipient:
Wrapped: Gift Card Issued
Wrapped: Gift Card Updated
Wrapped: Gift Card Reminder
Wrapped: Gift Card Gifted
Wrapped: Gift Card Voided
Each event will have the following properties:
code - the gift card code
gift_card_id - Wrapped system ID for the gift card
initial_value - initial balance of the gift card when it was purchased/created
balance - the current balance
currency - currency code of the gift card (e.g. USD)
expiration_date - date gift card is set to expire (optional)
apple_wallet_url - a URL that can be used in emails for downloading apple wallet pass
google_wallet_url - a URL that can be used in emails for downloading Google pass
topup_url - a URL that can be used to topup a gift card using the Wrapped storefront
buyer_name - name of the person that purchased the gift card
buyer_email - email address of the person that purchased the gift card
gift_to_friend_url - a URL to the "gift to a friend" feature for this gift card
view_balance_url - a URL to a webpage to check the balance of the gift card
gift_card_message - a message provided to the recipient
gift_image_url - the image URL selected when gifting to a friend
They will appear on the Klaviyo customer property like this:
They can be used like this in an email template:
Note: The gift card message property may contain HTML so it's based to add | safe so it renders properly.
Testing Klaviyo integration
Follow the instructions above to connect your Klaviyo account to Wrapped.
Create a new gift card from the Wrapped dashboard, specifying an email address:
A "Wrapped: Gift Card Issued" event will be added to the Klaviyo customer profile with that email address. If the customer does not already exist, Wrapped will create a customer profile in Klaviyo.
4. From the Wrapped dashboard, find your gift card and then "void" it:
5. Navigate back to the customer profile in Klaviyo. You will see a new event "Wrapped: Gift Card Voided"